SERVPRO of Beckley Event Photos

Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing
From Friday June 2nd thru Sunday June 4th, 2017, SERVPRO of Beckley had the pleasure to spend an amazing weekend with many disabled Veterans. This outing was organized by Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing - Parkersburg, WV but Veterans from Programs throughout WV and surrounding states attended the event.
Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing (PHWFF) is a non-profit organization that has become recognized as an innovative leader and model in the field of therapeutic outdoor recreation for the disabled, through its successful application of the sport of fly fishing as a rehabilitation tool.
This is the second year SERVPRO of Beckley has attended the Thornwood, WV Weekend Fly Fishing event. Before deciding to participate in this event in 2016, I visited Project Healing Waters website (see the link below) and was most impressed by the following answers to their FAQ’s:
PHWFF is much more than a one-time fishing outing. We strive to serve those who have made great sacrifices in their service to our great nation through offering on-going, year-round support, classes and outings.
PHWFF works hard to keep our administrative and fundraising costs associated with the operation of PHWFF as low as possible. Per our 2015 annual audited financial statements, 84% of total expenses went to programmatic support for PHWFF participants.
We had the pleasure to volunteer our time along with many other businesses and individuals dedicated to serving our disabled vets. It was, needless to say, a rewarding yet emotional three days and we are planning to attend for our third consecutive year on the first weekend of June 2018.

2016 CE Class Attendance
We had a great turnout for our Annual CE Class in May 2016 and hope to see all of you back in 2017.

2016 CE Class Certificates
We were elated to have these ladies from Webster Springs, WV attend our class. They traveled the farthest distance so our Marketing Representative returned the favor and hand delivered their certificates.
Fayette County Preparedness Fair
We joined Fayette County, WV at their Annual Emergency Preparedness Fair on April 30, 2016. It was a pleasure to meet "Pounce the Paramedic" from Best Ambulance along with two of his EMT team members. Then, only two months later, the devastating 1000 year flood hit Fayette and surrounding counties. I know a lot of the people that attended the event were affected and am sure they were better prepared because of this event. Good Job Fayette County LEPC (Sponsor of this event)

Raleigh Co Emergency Preparedness Fair
SERVPRO of Beckley attended the first Annual “Raleigh County Emergency Preparedness Fair” on May 14, 2016. We joined them in their effort to assist individuals, businesses, and families to better prepare for multiple situations: such as flooding, fire, snowstorms, extended outages of utilities, etc. This event was sponsored by the Raleigh County LEPC. I had the chance to meet this group and watched as they put their heart and soul into making this “first” a successful and memorable one.